Monday, November 2, 2009


It was only a few months back that I would get this recurring feeling every once in a while. It'd often be while I was on a bus, or in a taxi or tuk-tuk. My mind would be wandering, thinking of any number of things, and as my eyes blinked closed for a fraction of a second, and then opened back up, I would get the feeling that I had just woken up, and immediately wondered how much of what I previously experienced was really just a dream. Was it just the last few thoughts, or has my whole trip been a dream? I was always very quickly able to realize that it wasn't a dream, and I really have been traveling the last 6 months all over Asia. But with my dreams feeling so realistic every night, I didn't think it impossible for me to suddenly wake up one day to realize this had all been one of my vivid and complex dreams - one I would remember only in the instant I woke up, with its memories fading as the day went on, ending as the vague memory of "that dream I had where I traveled all over the world." Well, so far, while it is a dream, it's also a reality. And one that won't turn into a vague memory anytime soon...


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