Sunday, April 12, 2009

The 11th Hour

As I sit here on the computer, a mere hours before my flight to India, I keep having to remind myself to not write anything about the upcoming days, weeks, or months, but rather focus on the recent past, and more importantly, the present.

It's been quite a hectic 2.5 weeks in Israel, reuniting with family, friends, and the land that I have always and will always think of as my home. No different than when I was in the US a few weeks ago, my thoughts have continued to be on my upcoming trip, with frequent reminders from everyone I've been around as they ask questions and give me travel tips for the places they've visited.

And now it's here. The 11th hour. 3am. 1 more hour until I have to catch my train to the airport. And it still hasn't hit me. Ya know, the big "Holy shit I'm about to go backpacking on my own for the next 6 months!" I think it will come when I'm standing on the platform in an hour, waiting for my train. The first time I'll be all alone to start my journey. Oops. There I go talking in the future tense.

No predictions. No anticipations. Just the present. And right now, the present is a bit uneventful, so I guess we'll just have to wait for when the present becomes more interesting, and then (when I find an Internet cafe) I'll tell you all about it as my recent past.


  1. Erez, it's Yarden Laifenfeld, your (*annoying*) cousin. Wait no, let me correct that... Erez=Oriz. hehehe. I NEVER KNEW YOU WHERE GOING TO INDIA!!!! Why didn't you tell me? Are you having fun??? What is the time difference??? Where are you now??? Why don't you talk about the future??? Is that man that got bitten by a dog all right??? Why didn't you tell me about this blog??? And if your wondering about it, Saba Mark told me about it. I made a blog to. The adress is: I hope you like it. What should I write about in it??? Anyways, when will write more in your blog (Whoops, future question)??? It's intresting. When will you go to the moon??? (future question, sorry) What's an internet cafe??? Why do you want to travel on the moon??? Anyways, It does seem like you've schedualed stuff: arplaine flights, which means where you're going... Where are you going??? Answer me please, Hugs and kisses, Yarden

  2. Itamar, you are an annoying twit!!

  3. come visit korea in your last month! this is soo (i worked at rafferty's with you...for. a month maybe. haha)...
