Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Touching Down in Delhi

As the plane descended beneath the clouds, the land below, quite different from any other I'd seen from that height, came into sight. The most dimly-lit cities I had ever seen. An occassional random assortment of specks of lights bunched together, surrounded by darkness, and I was left only with my imagination to wonder what it all was. Yet I knew that in the morning, I would start to instantly better understand the land I was in.

When they opened the airplane door, the smell was not as bad as I had heard from some people, though it was certainly noticeable. A crazy non-stop-honking cab ride later, we arrived at the Yes Please Guesthouse with roughly 20 other Israelis. While we were hanging out and drinking chai, an older Israeli man walked in with bite marks on his leg, saying he just got bit by a dog. At night, there are literally 2 stray dogs for every 10 paces that you take. And they are all the same inbred overbred dogs so they all look alike, just different sizes and colors. They typically lay quietly, but a honking tuk-tuk passing by could aggravate them, so remaining alert is critical.

We spent the day today walking around the Main Bazaar area. It's amazing how many Indians here speak Hebrew and how many of their signs are in Hebrew. If you're ever here, I recommend getting the Chicken Masala at the Hare Rama Guesthouse. Get it only medium hot though, trust me. And everything is SO cheap! I feel like a millionaire! Rupee rupee bills ya'll!

Tomorrow we're heading to the Taj Mahal for a day trip, so look out for the next update, and hopefully pictures up on my facebook shortly afterwards.

That's it for now. I hope you can all put up with my switching from serious writing about the amazing things I see/experience, the fun/funny stories that happen, and just my regular wise-assing and sarcasm. Hey, it's like 3 blogs in one! Lucky you!


  1. So how does the hot sauce compare to C&R?

  2. I had C&R last night after the Flight of the Conchords show and it was delicious...I'm sure your shitty Chicken Masala didn't come close to being as satisfying

  3. I'm staying away from the hot sauce for my first few weeks, while my stomach build immunity to the medium-hot sauce.

  4. probably smart, but i'm going to call you a chicken anyway :)
